Makassar State University cannot be separated from the history of the establishment of IKIP Ujung Pandang as an Educational Institution for Educator Training (LPTK). Initially, IKIP Ujung Pandang was the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Hasanuddin University Makassar, based on the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) from August 1, 1961, to August 31, 1964, based on the Ministerial Decree PTIP No. 30 of 1964 dated August 1, 1961. From September 1964 to January 1965, it was a branch of IKIP Yogyakarta in Makassar, based on the Ministerial Decree PTIP No. 154 of 1965 dated September 1, 1965. From January 5, 1965, to August 3, 1999, it became independent under the name IKIP Makassar, based on the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 272 of 1965 dated January 5, 1965.
During that phase, since April 1, 1972, IKIP Makassar changed to IKIP Ujung Pandang following the change of the city’s name from Makassar to Ujung Pandang. Then, from August 4, 1999, until now, it has had the status of a university with the name Makassar State University (UNM) based on the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 93 of 1999 dated August 4, 1999.
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNM, at its inception, was called the Faculty of Teacher Training in Exact Sciences (FKIE), later renamed the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education (FPMIPA). This faculty was established in 1963 through the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1 of 1963 and the Ministerial Decree for the Establishment of the Faculty from the Minister of Higher Education and Science No. 9977/SEKRET/BUP/65, in 1965. Initially, this faculty’s authority was to foster four departments (Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry) to produce educational personnel. Internal organizational dynamics and external environmental developments continuously evolved, prompting FMIPA to meet societal needs. In 1997, IKIP Ujung Pandang received an expanded mandate to include non-educational students. Since then, FPMIPA has adapted to become FMIPA through the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 93/1999 dated August 4, 1999, and the Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 025/O/2002 dated August 4, 1999.
The Biology Department of FMIPA UNM currently oversees two study programs: the Biology Study Program and the Biology Education Study Program. Since 2007, the Biology Education Study Program has implemented a bilingual program, which later became the International Class Program (ICP) with a coordinator at the faculty level. Thus, the Biology Department of FMIPA UNM has now conducted undergraduate education with a total of 2 study programs and 1 bilingual program under the Education Study Program.